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  4. Kniha Enchanters´ End Game: Belgariad 5 - David Eddings

Kniha Enchanters´ End Game: Belgariad 5 - David Eddings

300,00 Kč
Upozornění: Kniha má drobné poškození! / Warning: The book has minor damage!

BOOK 5 OF THE BELGARIAD, the worldwide bestselling fantasy series by master storyteller David Eddings. Discover the epic story that inspired thousands - from Raymond Feist's The Riftwar Cycle series to George R. R. Martin's A Game of Thrones. On the outcome of one duel rests the fate of the world... With Garion on the throne, peace has finally come to the West. But as long as the evil God Torak still lives, he knows they will never truly be safe. As Princess Ce'Nedra leads her armies in a desperate bid to divert the Evil One's forces, Garion travels to the City of Endless Night to face Torak for the last time. But one question haunts him: can man ever destroy an immortal God?

ISBN: 978-0-552-16857-1
446 pages


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