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  3. Knihy a učebnice angličtina
  4. Kniha Macmillan Readers: The Old Curiosity Shop - Charles Dickens - CD Pack

Kniha Macmillan Readers: The Old Curiosity Shop - Charles Dickens - CD Pack

320,00 Kč
The Old Curiosity Shop is a classic story written by Charles Dickens and has been adapted for Intermediate level readers. The story is about Nell and her grandfather, who live in The Old Curiosity Shop. They are very poor, and when disaster strikes, Nell must protect herself and her grandfather from people who wish them harm. Includes Audio CD.

Publisher: Macmillan Publishers Ltd
Genre: Adventure, Classic, Crime, History, Human Interest
Level: Intermediate
ISBN: 9780230460416
English Type: British English


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