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  1. Domů
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  3. Knihy a učebnice angličtina
  4. Kniha Matthew Weiner: Mad Men - Taschen - Weiner Matthew

Kniha Matthew Weiner: Mad Men - Taschen - Weiner Matthew

4 600,00 Kč
Upozornění: Kniha má drobné poškození! / Warning: The book has minor damage!

With its brilliant writing, spot-on acting, faultless art direction, and impeccable costume design, Mad Men is a landmark for cable television. Never before has a period series offered such compelling plotlines alongside such painstaking attention to detail and accuracy. As the show’s personal and professional machinations evolve, so too are the minutiae and the milestones of history in motion, from the shifting height of hemlines to the struggles of the civil rights movement. This book is TASCHEN’s tribute to Mad Men’s television art. Volume 1 chronicles the show’s seven seasons with sequential stills alongside key script excerpts. ...
Publisher: TASCHEN
Publication date: 2016
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 1040
ISBN: 978-3-8365-2643-2


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