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  3. Knihy a učebnice angličtina
  4. Kniha The Creak on the Stairs - AEgisdottir Eva Bjorg

Kniha The Creak on the Stairs - AEgisdottir Eva Bjorg

300,00 Kč

Upozornění: Kniha má drobné poškození! / Warning: The book has minor damage!

When a body of a woman is discovered at a lighthouse in the Icelandic town of Akranes, it soon becomes clear that she’s no stranger to the area. Chief Investigating Officer Elma, who has returned to Akranes following a failed relationship, and her collegues Savar and Hör?ur, commence an uneasy investigation, which uncovers a shocking secret in the dead woman’s past that continues to reverberate in the present day …

Nakladatel: Orenda Books

Vazba: Brožovaná

Datum vydání: 2020

Jazyk: anglicky

Počet stran: 301

Ean: 9781913193041


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